Choose the Right Windshield Repair Company
Choosing the right windshield repair company is not only
crucial for a proper repair, but also to your safety!
The SDWRA is committed to:
- Informing the public of the benefits associated with windshield repair.
- Providing the public, industry and government with a reliable source of information regarding
windshield repair.
- To provide a grass roots effort to influence the local governmental agencies responsible for
establishing regulations for the Windshield Repair industry.
- Promoting the legitimacy of the windshield repair industry in San Diego.
There is more to SAFE windshield repair than you may know!
Why should you be concerned about safety when getting your windshield repaired?
Today’s windshield does more than keep the rain, wind and bugs out while providing good visibility…
It is an engineered system performing critical functions in the design of your vehicle.
- Keeps passengers safe
- Part of the airbag system
- Provides roof-crush resistance
- Prevents passenger ejection
Only Choose San Diego Windshield Repair Shops that are
Licensed, Insured and Properly Trained!
Make sure that your San Diego Windshield Repair facility has technicians that are properly trained,
insured and experienced. Always ask questions! We have prepared a list of questions that you
should consider asking before you get a windshield repaired.
Protect Our Pacific!
The SDWRA is committed to
keeping our ocean and shoreline
The members of the San Diego
Windshield Association have a strict
code to follow which ensures that
none of the products that they use
will ever see a storm drain!
© 2009-2023- San Diego Windshield Repair Association / SDWRA- All rights reserved - SDWRA - 350 10th Avenue, San Diego, CA
Ask the SDWRA if you need windshield repair assistance!
San Diego Windshield Repair Association